HUGE PROGRESS in Jersey City as the Jersey City Board of Education passed the first, fully funded public schools budget in more than a decade. This progress was made possible by the consistent advocacy of the JCT Education Team that pressed for a fully funded budget during their action in March.
A big thank you to Superintendent Walker, BOE President Mussab Ali, Jersey City Board of Education Member, Trustees Gina Verdibello, Lorenzo Richardson, Gerald Lyons, Marilyn Roman, & Joan Terrell Paige for their votes.
What does full funding for the Jersey City Public Schools look like? The budget includes -- among other investments -- $9 million to invest in full-time teacher's aides and assistants with benefits (instead of paying temporary workers very low wages), increased nursing, counseling, social work, and technology staff (as we return to school in a pandemic), and investments in teachers, coaches, administrators, and more to meet the needs of students. These are real investments in children & communities, particularly our most vulnerable, at a moment when it’s most needed.
Read more about this progress in the Hudson County View here: