“Today’s announcement represents a huge step forward...” It's been three years since Jersey City Together launched their campaign to make Bayfront more affordable.
With the proposed purchasers made public, 35% of the units in the initial parcels affordable (400 out of the 1,100 units on the first four parcels). The vast majority of these units will be at 60% of AMI or below. Great work by all involved to get here -- including Uche Akpa, who served on the Bayfront Advisory Board, and all the leaders & staff who worked for decades to create the opportunity in the first place.
Press here:
Hudson County View: https://hudsoncountyview.com/jersey-city-set-to-begin-first-phase-of-construction-on-100-acre-bayfront-development/
Jersey City Times: https://jcitytimes.com/jersey-city-unveils-massive-bayfront-mixed-income-housing-development/